NAFA #21
Catch up on additional NAFA Magazine Editions in Back Issues

Front Cover: NAFA Good Gear Models, Joanna King and Kristal Hammond, doing battle with big GTs on the Arafura Sea. (Photo by AJ)
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Table of Contents - NAFA Fishing Magazine
40 After The Floods…Special Report
This past summer, Australia experienced a series of one-in-one-hundred-year weather events that spanned the nation; from Queensland and New South Wales to Victoria, the Top End and Western Australia. Starlo takes a look back over a cataclysmic season of extremes and asks what the effects are likely to be on our national fishing fortunes in the short, medium and long-term future. This is one you really must read! By Steve Starling
14 Jigging The Coral Sea
Seventeen to one are not good odds when you’re the only one jigging metal and the other 17 are dangling tantalising baits, but it seems our self-described metro-sexual fisho, who has an aversion to using bait of any description, enlisted some deckie support, held his own and learnt some valuable lessons along the way. By Peter Zeroni
34 Getting Your Tropical Quickie – How to Fish Inshore Rubble
Great strategic and technical advice on bagging a variety of both pelagic and North Queensland reef species on the whole gambit of bluewater lures, and doing it in quick time too. By Lee Brake
56 Bountiful Bowen
The inshore waters around the historic North Queensland town of Bowen offer some of the best reef and sportfishing available from mainland Australia. By Dan Kaggelis
160 Catching 1770’s Offshore Giants...Great New Technique!
The offshore grounds wide of the historic township of 1770 are home to some of the biggest red emperor and coral trout found along Queensland’s coral coast. A new technique which couples large, succulent baits to big fly-like flashers certainly seems to be working on these thumping reef junkies. By John Boon
22 Rubberising Reds
The plastic fantastic saga is still as big as ever in this country and, while there are endless uses for soft plastics, in recent years, targeting big, boof-head reds on softies has proven to be both an effective popular technique. By Jarrod Day
112 Gippsland Lakes
The Gippsland Lakes region in eastern Victoria comprises 250 square kilometres of rivers and lakes. Statistically, it is the largest tidal lagoon system in Australia. In piscatorial terms, the region is a fishing nirvana — a Down Under Disneyland with scales. By Steve Cooper
29 NSW Mackerel Muster– Northern NSW’s Tourist Trump Card
The annual mackerel run is the most-eagerly-anticipated happening on the northern NSW fishing calendar. By Dave Rae
62 When Finniss River Fish Gods Smile
The Finniss River rock-bar fires up on the troll. By Peter Zeroni
66 Dundee…Australia’s HOT New Billfish Ground
Darwin game fishermen have for many years flirted with the billfish potential of the bait-rich blue waters wide of Dundee Beach, but the true magnitude of this amazing new billfish ground has all come to light over just the last couple of years. We asked one of Darwin’s most-experienced sailfish and marlin anglers, Peter Dienhoff, not only to tell us all about it, but also how to go about it. By Peter Dienhoff
74 East Alligator Bonaza
A record Top End wet season and a magic Kakadu river all to yourself…by golly that has to be the recipe for some great barra fishing. By Chris Errity
82 An Afternoon Sortie
It was the middle of the wet season, and a break in the rain was all that it took to get a pair of nature-loving fishing hoons onto a trail of curious adventure. By Jason Bettles
87 No Place For Princesses
Australia’s biggest all-female fishing tournament is held from the township of Nhulunbuy on the Gove Peninsula, north-east Arnhem Land. By Jo Moyle-Reiter
94 The Plentiful Perons
The Peron Islands fringe Anson Bay which itself funnels out from the mouth of the Daly River. The area offers both an abundance and diversity of premium tropical species. By Jason Wilhelm
99 Arafura Blazing
The Arafura Sea along the north coast of the Northern Territory is typical of much of tropical Australian waters, except perhaps that there are few areas more remote. For this edition’s action-packed NAFA Good Gear Model shoot, we present Queensland’s Joanna King and WA’s Kristal Hammond blazing on the Arafura. By Alex Julius
150 Fish Broome In The Monsoon
As with so many places in the far north, the fishing around Broome during the wet season can be better than you might ever have imagined. By Chris Errity
120 Lighten Up In The Surf
In the 21st century, a new style of surf fishing has steadily evolved along the NSW coastline: the use of much lighter and also more sophisticated tackle to deal with the same species we’ve historically chased with big, heavy rods and reels. By Jamie Robley
126 Remote Country Canoeing
Al heads for backcountry bass and cod streams to show some visiting journos just what Australia has on offer. By Al McGlashan
146 Tasmania – Add It To Your Bucket List
The Apple Isle continues to be one of the world’s great trout fisheries, and a must-visit for any angler who’s never before ventured across Bass Strait. By Ira Leitis Fehlberg
130 The Golden Dorado
In October 2010, our Fly Fishing Editor, Peter Morse, and AJ went to Argentina to target one of the world’s great freshwater sportfish, the mighty dorado of the Uruguay River. By Peter Morse & Alex Julius
140 Com Fishing Festival... Timor Leste
If you’d like to spend a few days fishing in a tropical island paradise, with logistics taken care of and all mod-cons provided, then why not consider entering the Com Fishing Festival, just an hour’s flight from Australia at the beautiful country of Timor Leste. By Alex Julius
154 Rompin Sailfish
Out there on the South China Sea, predatory sailfish compete with cunning netters for the vast schools of juvenile anchovies. Well, at least the sails are protected from commercial harvest, and you’ll be surprised at the techniques used to catch them. By Dan Trotter
166 It’s Back...The All-new FJ Cruiser
Baby boomer 4WD enthusiasts would probably remember with a degree of nostalgia the introduction of the short-wheel-base Toyota Landcrusier FJ40 in 1960. Now they, and a whole new generation of four wheel drivers, can marvel at the latest FJ Cruiser which truly captures the 50-year heritage of its legendary predecessor, but with the latest in technology and engine performance to boot…and, would you believe, at a price tag under $50,000? By Alex Julius
174 Call Of The Wild
The communication radio, either short or long range, is not a toy but a useful and sometimes life-saving device. By Dick Eussen
180 The Flying Canopy
The simple fly is an essential piece of camping equipment that makes for a very comfortable escape from the elements. By Dick Eussen
186 Toyota Hilux…Improved In 2011
We review the new-and-improved 2011 SR5 Toyota Hilux. By Dick Eussen
190 Get What You Pay For…and Then Some in a Fishing Boat
Getting what you pay for in a fishing boat is no different to any other kind of financial management. What is different today is the amount of information at your disposal to make informed decisions about spending your money. By Warren Steptoe
198 Sea Blaster! Ocean Master 741 Vortex
Powered by an E-TEC 250HO, the Ocean Master 741 Vortex is an immaculately-finished offshore (and inshore) aluminium trailer boat that offers practical fishability, together with eyebrow-raising, rough-water comfort at speeds you wouldn’t think possible unless you’d been there. By Alex Julius
204 Certainly Surtees
The NZ-made Surtees 6.1 Workmate, customised by Darwin’s BH Marine to suit north Australia’s bluewater and estuarine applications, is a versatile boat, underpinned by innovative design features. By Dave Krantz
210 Pushing The Boundaries…Quintrex 2011
The 2011 Quintrex new-model releases include an exciting new Millenium Blade hull design for its 6 metre-plus, stretch-formed hulls, a neat pair of Renegades, also with a new stretch-formed variable deadrise hull, plus higher, wider Hornets with exceptional, space-saving fit-outs. By Warren Steptoe
216 A Tommycutter
Territory Marine’s new River to Reef 500 Tommycutt wins out in stability, ride, comfort, dryness and strength. Plus it’s a versatile boat that will be magic on barra water and well able to cope out on the blue. By Alex Julius
220 Good Gear