Most Darwin anglers would be pleased with all the rain we’ve had this last couple of weeks.
Everything is pointing to a great wet season and subsequent Runoff.
Notwithstanding, there might be a window of fishing opportunity this weekend.
The heavy monsoonal rain is forecast to be over by then, and there won’t be as much wind about.
The tides will be coming off the peak springs and will still be fairly high, but fishing offshore is a definite possibility.
Before the latest heavy rainfall, golden snapper and black jew were biting well on the inshore coastal reefs between Darwin and the Peron Islands.
On the inshore barra scene, on these tides, I’d suggest the South Alligator River would be the best bet.
If you’re heading upriver, you’re likely to encounter that exotic floating weed Salvinia, either coming down from the top of the river or from Nourlangie Creek.
It’s imperative then that you check your trailer before departing the boat ramp carpark, and don’t drive off with any salvinia under your boat.
The best fishing on the South has been downstream and, with the forecast drier and calmer conditions, an overnighter in your boat at the river mouth could pay off with some serious barra action.
If you intend overnighting, it’s probably best to park up inside one of the bigger creeks around the river mouth.
You don’t want to be caught out in the open at night when a squall comes through.
Speaking of squalls, let me tell you about my trip last Friday to the Adelaide River.
Mates and I were heading to a “secret spot” inside one of the Adelaide’s bigger creeks.
At the right time, there’s a good colour change, lots of bait, and busting barras… we’ve all got secret spots like that.
In year’s past, we’ve caught cricket-score numbers of barra at this spot.
However, it was a bit of a gamble with the weather because the monsoon was in full swing, but I was keen to have a fish.
Well, I couldn’t believe the amount of fresh up the creek; potential feeder creeks were actually backing up.
All we managed to catch were some rats in snags in the main river.
However, I class the day as a winner anyway because we did not get one skerrick of rain in the boat.
By 2pm, the sky was literally exploding with huge, rolling, black and grey storms.
Practically all around us there were suburban-block-sized sheets of blinding rain, while loud rumbling thunder echoed through the storms, and threatening lightning bolts were flashing far too often.
It was time to skedaddle, and somehow we avoided the maelstrom.
Ironically, on the drive home, we were clobbered by lots of rain, but that was good because it washed the boat and Cruiser.

That’s Roger Sinclair in there somewhere… with one of the small barra encountered on the Adelaide.

Even when the barra are small, a double hook-up is always a highlight.