From basic and humble beginnings in 1980, a Stanley knife, some cedar timber from an old cupboard, tie-wire, Araldite and 3 pressure-pack cans of automotive paint, Rob Gaden has become one of Australia’s most respected lure designers. Cutting Edge Lures represents some of the finest in Australian lure design.
With an overall length of 260mm (body 225mm) the Perpetrator is the latest addition to the Cutting Edge Lure range. This lure is the result of collaboration between Rob Gaden and Craig Bell who have been mates for more than 20 years.
Craig designed and made the originals in the early 1990s for his own use and for some mates to use on their yearly trips to Swain’s Reef. All originals were handmade from Cedar and twisted-wire-hook hangers.
With more than 50 years combined lure making experience between them, and minor design changes by Rob, we are now able to make and supply the market with a world class blue-water lure. At 260mm in length and weighing in at 150 grams, fitted with 6X strength VMC trebles and split rings, the Perpetrator is one very serious and strong lure.
During testing, the perpetrator was trolled at an incredible 15 knots and caught mackerel, wahoo, dog tooth and bluefin tuna. Four brand colours have been added to the Perpetrator range: Grey Ghost, Purple Ghost, Blue Ghost, and Rodeo Clown. Now available in 14 fantastic blue-water colours including foil and chrome combinations which are unique to Cutting Edge Lures.