These have what is known as a “DirectCore”, which is a low-stretch core to the fly line. They have been the benchmark for flats fishermen over the last few years. From an Aussie perspective, there’s a significant new addition to the line-up which should be of major interest to all saltwater fly fishers – and billabong fly fishers as well – the 15 foot intermediate-tipped line. Our flats are not like the flats of Central America and the southern US; ours are washed by bigger tides, they’re generally deeper and, therefore, the flies we use are heavier, and must stay on the bottom to get bitten. This line solves so many presentation issues, it’s bound to become a huge hit. But it’s also a great line for neap tide fishing for barra when the water’s clearer and the tide flow slower. It gives flies that vital “hang time” between 3 and 6 feet. These lines are built on the following cores: 6wt - 7wt are built on a 30lb mono; 8wt - 9wt are built on a 40lb mono; and 10wt -12wt are built on a 50lb mono.

Designed by and for fly fishermen in South America, mostly Brazil, this is a line that’s going to be hugely important for hot climate fly fishers in Australia, especially barra fishermen. It’s designed for throwing the kind of large, and often heavy, flies they use for peacock bass and dorado. The line is already “uplined”; ie it’s heavier than the specified standard. So make sure you don’t buy an #8 to put on a #7 rod because you’ll now be four line weights up and it’s not going to cast too well. If you want to move mass (big flies) you need mass to carry them – use enough gun in other words, and these lines are big guns. For tidal barra water, I just can’t imagine a better range of lines; you’ve got everything covered with one taper shape and a range of densities. They would also be quite at home in the wider saltwater world tossing big flies for all sorts of creatures, whether in the shallows or down deep. It comes in four density types: floating, intermediate head (floating running line), Type 3 sinking and Type 6 sinking, and these are available in four weights: 7 through to 10: 7, 8 and 9wts are built on 40lb mono core; 10wt is built on 50lb mono core. There will be a 6wt soon that will be on 30lb mono core.

This is not a new line but it’s had some additions made to the series. Designed originally for throwing big streamer flies for big trout and other freshwater fish, it’s pretty easy to see its instant adaptation for native fish in this part of the world. In cooler climates and during the winter months – I’m talking winter impoundment barra when tropical lines get more than a little curly – and Murray cod through summer and winter, these lines have an important place. The new additions to this series are the multi-density head sections for fishing deep, with a section of variable sink rate built in down the line. Called 3D and 4D, these allow you to stay in touch with the fly, as the tip of the line sinks fastest. The head length of these lines makes holding longer lines in the air much more viable so there’s less shooting line required to reach a target. This greatly enhances accuracy and for those who can hold a longer line in the air, much longer casts are possible. 5wt-7wt are built on 20lb low stretch braided core. 8wt-10wt are built on 30lb low stretch braided core.