UNLEASH THE TIGER Every angler knows how effective berley can be in attracting fish and getting them on the bite.
However, tide and current conditions in the local area can mean that your precious berley is being carried away from your fishing location, attracting hungry fish away from your bait or lure.
Often the wind will be blowing in a different direction again, making the task of fishing in exactly the right spot even more challenging. Joe Puglisi, known as the Tiger, is one of Australia's most innovative commercial fishermen. Later in his career, while still busy with his companies, he developed a passion for recreational fishing with his family, which has continued to consume most of what leisure time he has. His love of new technology and the innovation he is famous for in the commercial fishing industry naturally spilled over into his recreational fishing, and he is constantly thinking of new and creative ways to increase the fun of fishing, and the size of his catches.
As Joe explains, "after spending years fishing on the wrong side of the boat, and finding it difficult to tell where my berley was going, I was inspired to develop an effective tool to accurately tell where the fish would approach my boat.
"The creation of the Tiger Berley Trail Indicator basically came after noticing that on a boat full of anglers, there always seemed to be one guy who caught more fish than the rest of us!
"The Tiger Berley Trail indicator is a simple and yet ingenious invention that will allow you to make the most of your fishing experience, and make it even more fun.”
The Tiger BTI uses a specially designed submergible "vane", which is picked up by the current or tide and gives an accurate indication of the flow of berley. The vane is attached to a float, which allows the angler to visually track the current and tide flow.
The fisherman simply attaches the Tiger BTI to the vessel or jetty and then lets the Tiger loose.
The vane, once submerged, will pull the float in the direction of the current and tide.
The fisherman then only needs to cast in the direction shown by the Tiger BTI to fully take advantage of their berley trail. The Tiger Berley Trail Indicator is designed to help anglers maximise the benefit of their fishing time, and ultimately catch more fish.